Hanging Bell Blue Bird
Sometimes you can find beauty in the smallest little details that your dEcor has and building that tiny detail into your chic and yet traditional feel home and spaces is this little bell that ash a rugged metal body -length wise suiting windows and doorways and the bell attached to its adding to its ability to render the space more peace filled with its little chiming sound. After all, bells do help in filling our sense with the kind of sound that instantly releases the stress. In this case the presence of the blue coloured bird adds even more beauty to its presence.
Made from rugged look metal, this bell is all of 79 cm in length with tinges of blue on the bird that lies somewhere mid length. Adorned with a bell that chimes sweetly this could be your easy means to make lonely little window spaces liven up with more beauty. The blue coloured bird sways and spins as the wind catches the little mobile hangable piece that could be used at windows or doorways. The pretty little shape it has will remove the drabness of lonely little spots and infuse it with a bit of interest that comes from its archaic design and delightful sound of the bell. The beauty of the piece also lies in its dainty shape and the antiquity that is obvious in the way its metal has been given that rugged and rough feel.