Avitrol Plus Bird Wormer - Tablets 100
Avitrol Plus Bird Wormer is a convenient broad spectrum bird wormer which controls thread, caecal, round, gape, gizzard and important tape worms in caged birds. Avitrol plus tablets are easy to administer and each bird can receive the correct dosage rates according to bodyweight.
Avitrol Plus syrup is also available for those that prefer a liquid worming product (see separate listing) can be added to the drinking water or dosed directly to the birds beak.
These convenient Avitrol tablets provide a secure method of dosing individual birds. This is a economical 100 tablet bottle.
Avitrol Tablets are for the treatment of: threadworm, Caecal Worm, Roundworm, gape worm, Gizzard Worm and tapeworm in caged birds over 250g body weight. Active Constituent: 20mg Levamisole Hydrochloride equivalent to 16.96g Levamisole base 4mg Praziquantel
Dosage Rates:
250 to 500g bodyweight 1/2 tablet
500 to 750g bodyweight 1 tablet
750g to 1kg bodyweight 1 1/2 tablets
Important: do not feed birds for 24 hrs before or three hours after treatment. All birds in the same cage or pen should be treated at same time and cleaning of the cage is also recommended three days prior to treatment
This product is labelled "Not for use in Food Producing Species". This is largely due to the fact no scientific research has been carried out in regards to with holding periods on eggs. We recommend withholding your eggs for 10 days after use. This product has been largely used in the poultry community off label for many years due to the fact there is no equivalent product for the treatment of gapeworm in chickens.