Vetafarm Crop Needle size 8
Recommended for: Hand raising or emergency feeding/medication of birds and reptiles.
Key features: Allows fast, accurate feeding/medication. High quality stainless steel construction. Hand made in Australia. Lifetime guaranteed.
Size 8
Every bird breeder around the world should feel confident with a bird in one hand and a Medication Tube (crop needle) in the other. There is no other drug, piece of equipment or tool in the bird keeper’s first aid kit that can make a bigger impact on whether a sick bird lives or dies.
Curved crop needles are dangerous, taking a look at the anatomy of a bird’s neck will show that it does not gently curve into the crop, but rather takes a fairly severe S bend. For a crop needle to be safe this S bend can be straightened out by simply extending the birds neck. This natural extending action straightens the S and allows for a normal crop needle to be inserted safely into the crop without any incident. There is no physical room in a bird’s anatomy for curved crop needles to be either safe or effective – in fact the safest place is the bin.
Learning to crop needle is a little like riding a bike and the age old saying applies ‘once you’ve learnt you never forget’. The trick is being taught the correct way from the start and then gaining confidence over time, any good avian vet should be happy to give you some hands on training. If this is not an option, you can watch Vetafarms You Tube on Crop Needling featuring avian vet Dr Tony Gestier.
An important piece of information you will also need before crop needling is the recommended needle size and crop volume of the bird. Needle sizes change from species to species and even the age of a bird will have an effect on what size needle should be used.
Once you have the correct information, an understanding of the right size for the right application and the confidence to use the needle correctly, you will have the ability to make a real difference in the outcome of sticky situations in the aviary. You may have heard of or even experienced mishaps with crop needles in the past, but the only time there will ever be an issue with these important pieces of equipment is if they are utilised incorrectly. A car is a better mode of transport than walking, but you need to learn to drive first, otherwise you will have an accident. The same principal applies here!
Crop Needles can be used for anything from administering First Aid (Poly-Aid Plus), emergency electrolytes to dehydrated birds (Spark Liquid Concentrate) or for administering measured doses of antibiotics to treat infections like Psittacosis. On top of this Crop Needles are invaluable for hand rearing babies, being the easiest, most effective and safest method possible.
Crop Needle Do’s
- Do learn to hold the bird correctly, if you can’t hold the bird you can’t use the needle!
- Do be gentle, never force the needle! If the needle does not pass easily into the crop, take it out and gently try again.
- Do gently twirl the needle back and forth between your finger and thumb as you slide it down the birds throat.
- Do use the biggest needle possible. You will only get a needle in a bird’s windpipe if the needle you use is too small for the bird!
- Do disinfect needles between uses. Particularly when feeding babies
- Do return the bird to the normal horizontal position when removing the needle. This ensures the bird will not inhale any medication or food.
Crop Needle Don’ts
- Don’t use curved needles, these are dangerous!
- Don’t let anyone else hold the bird for you. You must have control over both the bird and needle.
- Don’t wear gloves. You need to be able to feel the bird and needle in your hands.
- Don’t rush! Nobody is timing you! Be patient and take care when using the crop needle
- Don’t over fill the crop. If in doubt, administer less rather than more.
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