Lovebirds-A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
Lovebirds-A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
Lovebirds are found in a variety of vivid colours in their native tropical habitats. Though they are often kept as pairs for breeding, lovebirds can be kept as individual pets.
Chapters cover:
Preparing for a New Lovebird Pet
Housing and Cage Requirements for Lovebirds
General Management—Handling, Taming, Bathing, Nail Trimming, Household Dangers & Safety
Diet—Pellets, Seed, Fruits and Vegetables, Water, Vitamins
General Health—Avian Veterinarians, Hospital Cages, Diseases, Signs of Sickness, Feather Plucking
Lovebird Species—Peach-faced, Masked, Fischer’s, Black-cheeked, Nyasa, Abyssinian, Madagascar, Red-faced, Swindern’s
Breeding Lovebirds
Understanding Lovebird Body Language
The 96 page text in soft cover is clear and straightforward and supported with colour photographs and line drawings— easy for every pet owner to understand. Index included.