Poultry Chick Warmer Brooder Heat Plate - 60cm x 40cm (50 - 55 Chicks)
The Chick Warmer plate gives controllable low level heat for young chicks. The warmth is from above, so they can move in and out from it as they wish. The height is easily adjustable on the four legs.
The temperature controllable element is totally encased in plastic for safe operation.
Optional extras available for Comfort Chick Warmers:
a) Cover to prevent chicks from roosting on top of plate
b) Temperature Regulator
We offer five sizes in the Comfort Chick Heat Plate Range:
25cm x 25cm - suitable for 15-20 chicks -13 watt (THIS LISTING)
30cm x 30cm - suitable for 25-30 chicks - 22 watt
40 x 40cm - suitable for 30 -35 chicks - 42 watt
50cm x 40cm - suitable for 40-45 chicks - 46 watt
60 x 40cm - suitable for 50 - 55 chicks - 62 watt (THIS LISTING)