Monds High Energy Layer Pellets
20kg size NOT AVAILABLE ON AFTERPAY - NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING (Available in store pick up and click and collect locker collection only)
Monds Feed High Energy Layer Pellets are a readily digestible, high specification feed, formulated specifically for laying hens in commercial or high production home flocks, from 18 weeks of age on. Laying hens have a very specific nutrient requirement that needs to be met to enable them to produce both a high quantity and quality of eggs over a sustained period of time. A great diet gives hens every opportunity to have a highly productive and long term future in your laying flock. With this in mind, we have carefully formulated Monds Feed High Energy Layer Pellets to: • Provide very high levels of metabolisable energy and protein (with the right delivery of essential amino acids) required by laying hens • Deliver all of the essential minerals and vitamins required by laying hens for egg production, along with maintaining maximum immune status and response, which enables strong reproductive performance for breeding birds • Give an accurate delivery of linoleic acid to encourage larger egg size
As with other phases of poultry feeding, feeds offered to laying hens need to both smell and taste great for acceptance. Therefore we have paid particular attention to these aspects of the pellets, something you will notice from the moment you open the bag! The right balance of quality raw materials, along with a professional approach to processing and manufacturing of the feed (derived from our wealth of experience), tick all the necessary boxes to continually encourage high levels of feed intake.
Monds Feed High Energy Layer Pellets contain a great blend of processed cereal grains to provide a source of soluble carbohydrates, in balance with high quality vegetable protein meals, to assist in developing the right balance of amino acids in the diet that ultimately lead to maximum egg production and well maintained hens. We have also taken the time to provide the right balance of macro and micro minerals, along with the essential vitamins required by the laying hen for maintenance, immune response, ongoing feather development and egg production. Calcium is necessary for the maintenance and development of bone structure and integrity of the hen, along with a direct impact on egg shell quality. Phosphorus is also critical for the production of many enzymes that are involved in energy metabolism for maintenance and egg production. Manganese assists in the utilisation of phosphorus from the diet and aids the development of bone cartilage. Vitamins (both water and fat soluble) are required to maximise laying rates from the macro nutrients supplied in the diet. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, Biotin, Choline, D3 and E all work in combination to ensure that laying hens perform to their genetic potential. Selenium and Vitamin E work together as anti-oxidants, which are critical to disease resistance and longevity. Zinc is also involved in enzyme formation to assist immune response, which aids the healing of wounds and improves skin health. Copper and Iron work in tandem to form red blood cells that carry oxygen to the extremities of the bodythese nutrients are all of significant value in maintaining healthy, productive hens.
Monds Feed High Energy Layer Pellets take the complications out of meeting the nutrient requirements of laying hens in commercial and high production flocks, by delivering the right balance of nutrients in a highly palatable and acceptable form. Monds Feed – for healthier, more productive stock… Feeding Directions: It is vital to the welfare of hens to ensure that they are housed in a dry, shaded, hygienic, draft free but well ventilated environment. Housing should be regularly cleared of any manure and litter remaining from previous flocks. The housing should also be regularly treated with an appropriate product to sanitize the area, reducing the risk of disease outbreak. Allow laying hens to have continuous, unrestricted access to Monds Feed High Energy Layer Pellets and suitable fresh drinking water. Self feeding systems may be of greatest benefit to ensure continual access of feed to all hens in the flock. As a guide, laying hens should consume around 115-125 grams per day of this product. Other non-commercial feeds (such as grass clippings and food scraps) may be fed in conjunction with this feed, but it should be limited to small amounts as it will lower the overall nutrient density of the diet. Ensure that there are sufficient feeders and space for the number of hens being fed, as overcrowding of feeders may contribute to inconsistent egg production.