David Grays Poultry Dust
It is important to keep parasites under control in the coop and around the pen. Fleas, mites and lice as well as ticks, bite your hens and this can lead to infection quite easily if left unchecked. That's why David Grays Poultry Dust is a must-have for all backyard chicken coops.
For a start, it is safe to use with egg-laying poultry. It safeguards your chooks from fleas, ticks, mites and lice. Also, it is effective in helping with infestations in the chook pen as well as the roosts, floors and crevices in the housing.
- 1 x David Grays Poultry Dust in an easy squeeze bottle
- Size: 400g
- Instructions on label
What can you use this product for?
The formula found in this poultry dust is effective for the treatment and control of:
- Fleas (Echidrophaga gallinacea)
- Flies (Musca domestica L)
- Lice (Manacanthus , tramineus & Menocan gallinea L)
- Ticks (Haemaphysalis spp)
- Mites (Acarina)
When dusted around the pen it may also help deter mice.
You can use this product safely on all poultry including meat and egg-laying birds such as Geese, ducks, laying hens and roosters. If you are using this product on meat birds then you must discontinue use 7 days prior to slaughter. For egg-laying poultry, there is no withholding period required.
Active Constituents
- 20g/kg Maldison (an anticholinesterase compound)
- Dust between the feathers of birds. Repeat where necessary.
- Dust roosts and crevices of the building to prevent the breeding of parasites
- Lightly dust dark areas in and under the coop.