Why do Birds need Toys?
Posted by Susan Lenz on
Many bird owners take great care in providing an enticing and nutritional diet for their birds. Additionally, they physically play and cuddle with their birds and spend hours teaching them to talk, sing and whistle. However, many birds belong to a single parent or parents who both work and as a result they also spend a lot of time alone in their cage.
What does a bird do during the 8-10 hours that he is alone? Many become bored and lethargic, others pick their feathers and others develop an attitude and act it out when Mum or Dad come home.
Providing stimulating and fun toys is an answer to the above problems by providing the bird with hours of entertainment and exercise, thereby keeping it alert, happy and healthy.
As a pet in captivity, birds don’t have the opportunity to engage in the activities that they naturally would in the wild.
Avian behaviorists who have spent time observing parrots in the wild have reported that playtime ranks second only to food gathering in priority.
Birds have a natural craving to chew and a daily need to forage for food. In the wild, a parrots behavior is very active and playful. They have been observed stripping bark off trees, biting off and flinging leaves and twigs, swinging from and climbing on vines all the while chattering gleefully with the rest of the flock.
Instinctively, companion birds are still very much like their wild counterparts. Playing with toys is a vital substitute for natural behaviors such as foraging, nest building and interactions with their flock.
When you purchase a bird, it is vitally important to understand not just how important toys are for them, but WHAT KIND of toys suit the size and species of bird you are keeping. Just like childrens toys, they suit all different types, species, sizes and ages. Without taking the time to educate yourself on what type of toys suit your bird, you will have a very unhappy companion and over time this will lead to behavioural issues
Toys and playtime address several important functions:
In young birds, playtime is part of the learning process in which birds start to identify textures, colors, shapes and it also helps to develop coordination and dexterity.
Exposure to a wide variety of objects at a young age helps to create a more confident less fearful bird. Toys provide an outlet for natural aggression and an opportunity to expend energy through exercise. Instead of directing aggression towards their owners they can instead direct their aggressions towards the toy by shadow boxing, flapping and swinging.
Playtime helps to foster better mental health and a sense of independence. Birds provided with a variety of toys are less self-absorbed and exhibit fewer negative behaviors such as:
1. Feather picking and self-mutilation
2. Screaming for attention
3. Fear of unknown objects
4. Aggressiveness towards humans
5. Destruction of household furniture,
Toys promote exercise and therefore physical health and longevity. Birds who play by climbing and swinging on their toys reap the benefits of increased movement. Playing with and or chewing toys also helps with beak and nail conditioning. These activities also provide for off-perch time and flexing which helps with dexterity and foot health.
Confinement of parrots without providing outlets for exercise, entertainment, comfort and mental challenge will result in boredom, depression, poor physical health and ultimately in an unsuitable pet!
Just because the label says the product is safe doesn’t mean that its OK for your bird. Any toy has the potential to be unsafe if improperly sized to the bird. We offer help and advice on choosing a toy appropriate for your bird, if you are unsure … please ask!
As with children, no toy is 100% safe for all birds. Use common sense and supervise your bird when you first give him a new toy. Observe how he interacts with the toy to determine how best to hang it and where and when to allow him to play with it (some toys are safer outside the cage).
Provide a wide variety of toys and rotate them in and out of the cage or play area. Variety will help alleviate boredom and keep your bird more alert and curious. Keep 2-3 toys minimum in the birds cage and don’t overstuff the cage so the bird doesn’t have room to move.
Don’t assume that if your bird doesn’t like a toy that it wont play with any toy. Try something different and take the time to observe what your bird finds interesting in terms of design, texture or size. Use foraging toys to hide treats to teach your bird to play! Use your parrots favourite treats as ways to introduce new and fun toys by poking them in foraging baskets, vine balls … the ideas are endless!
Introduce toys to baby birds but make them small don’t intimidate them. Foot toys are some of the safest toys available and they are especially great for young birds as they help to develop hand-eye coordination.
Play with your birds! most birds think its great fun to chase balls across the floor or couch, play catch or pick it up with mom or dad.
When in doubt, ask for help when selecting toys for your bird
We offer advice on toys that are suitable for all species of companion parrots - and more importantly … those that are not suitable!
There are many bird toys available on the market, and the choice is daunting to some bird owners. It is helpful to understand how various categories of toys help to enrich their feathered companion's lives. Birds should be provided with a cross section of toys from all of the following categories to ensure that their physical and mental needs are being addressed. The key categories are:
FORAGING TOYS Foraging toys provide and excellent outlet to require your bird to work for it's food as it would have to do the majority of each day in the wild. Examples of foraging toys are those in which treats can be hidden, skewered and or imbedded. Foraging toys should be placed at a variety of levels throughout the cage to encourage movement and exploration.
SHREDDING + CHEWING Shredding and chewing is a major activity in the wild, especially during breeding season when birds are actively burrowing nests into tree trunks. It is imperative that birds be provided with destructible wood toys, and shredders. Wood, leather toys, vine and bamboo toys provide hours of safe chewing fun. Remember, these toys are for your bird so don't become alarmed or upset if over time they destroy them. Chewing is a natural activity for your bird and they should be provided an opportunity to do so. Larger birds should be challenged with harder woods such as Java wood. Balsa, pine, or vine based materials are excellent for smaller birds.
COMFORT TOYS In the wild, birds enjoy physical contact with their mates, often snuggling up to them on branches. Caged birds, especially when they are alone, like to snuggle up to or crawl into something soft and cuddly. this alleviates their stress and provides them with a sense of security. Examples of comfort toys are the Peekaboo Perch Tents and Snuggle Rings and preening toys. Be aware that cotton and fabric can be ingested and can lead to fatalities so often sea grass beds and huts are a better, safer option.
EXERCISE TOYS Swings and bungees are two excellent examples of toys that encourage movement and provide birds with an outlet for exercise.
PREENING TOYS Boredom and stress in caged birds can often lead to over-preening or feather pulling. Rope preening toys provide an excellent outlet for birds to satisfy their desire to preen and to discourage feather picking and mutilation.
MECHANICAL TOYS AND PUZZLES Birds are very intelligent and inquisitive creatures. Many are reported to enjoy untying knots, undoing nuts and bolts and deconstructing cages to escape. Providing puzzle solving toys and toys that require manipulation will stimulate these birds mentally.
Your bird should own a wide variety of toys but remember it is important to rotate the toys in and out of the cage weekly to stimulate curiosity and prevent boredom.
Now that you know how important toys are, make sure you talk to us about the correct sizes of toys to suit your bird, to provide a safe and happy environment